Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fire Safety

Fire Safety
October 21st, 2011

Last week Anderson Fire Department came to visit with the students about fire safety. They talked with the students about the importance of fire safety and what to do if there is a fire. The students then got a chance to go outside and look at the fire trucks. They even turn on the lights and sirens for them! Here are some pictures from their visit.

Thanks Anderson Fire Department!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

We will be having Red Ribbon Week next week.  The students have all entered the poster drawing contest and are excited to see the results.  The following are activities that will take place during the week.

Monday, October 24th: Wear RED Day!  (Students will receive a red ribbon)

Tuesday, October 25th: Put a CAP on Drugs! (Students may wear their favorite cap)

Wednesday, October 26th: Take a STAND Against Drugs!  (Grades 4-6 will line up on the ball field, making 2 lines for the Halloween parade to walk through)

Monday, October 31st: Don't listen to SUCKERS.  Don't do drugs!  (Students will get a sucker)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Announcements and Reminders

Third Grade Won!!!!
Third grade won 1st prize in our hall decorating contest for reading week.  Thank you to all the kiddos who worked so hard on their writing and astronauts.  We've decided to keep all the decorations up for Parent Teacher Conferences so you can see all the fun things the kiddos did.

Bully Busters
We have an awesome Bully Buster program at our school.  It is headed up by our own Assistant Principal, Tom Henry.  Students are not allowed to become Bully Busters until they are in third grade.  Forms were sent home over a week ago for you and your child to look at.  You do not need to buy a t-shirt to be a Bully Buster.  There's still time...if you would still like to become a Bully Buster and need another form please let us know and we will send a new one home.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will take place Tuesday, October 25th from 4-8pm and October 27th from 8am-12pm.  If you have not chosen a time for your Parent Teacher Conference, please do so soon.  Spots are filling up quickly.  If neither of those days will work for you, please feel free to contact us and we can make other arrangements.  We will be sending out confirmation letter with your day and time next week.  We will try our best to accomodate everyone's needs.

Parents Plus Meeting
Please join us, Wednesday, October 12th at 4pm for our 2nd Parents Plus meeting this year.  Your support and help would mean so much to us!

Fundraiser Pick Up
You will be able to pick up your fundraiser items on Thursday, October 13th from 3-6pm.    

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Reading Week Activities

Monday, October 3rd
Guest Speaker from NASA

Wednesday, October 5th
Guest Reader: Geroniomo Stilton and Mrs. Prather

Thursday, October 6th
Guest Readers

Friday, October 7th 
Guest Speaker from Crowder College

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reading is Out of This World!

This week is Children's Book Week and our theme is Reading is Out of This World!  The third grade has prepared by decorating our hallway called Readers Galaxy.  We have all the planets of our solar system hung from the ceiling along with student astonauts and writing prepared by the students.  We will take photos this week and post them on here so you can see all the excitement.  There are many exciting events this week.  The students will be having guest readers come and read to them along with some presentations made about space.  Please come join us Monday evening from 5:30-6:30pm for our Reading Night.  Our group will be making the surface of the moon!  The Book Fair will also be taking place this week.  It will be open Monday evening from 5-7pm. 

Newsletter and Homework Sheet