Friday, March 23, 2012

Anderson Elementary School Carnival

Please join us Saturday, March 24th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm for our school carnival.
There will be games, food, prizes, BINGO, and a live auction.
It is going to be a LOT of fun!!
We hope to see you there!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

MAP assembly

MAP celebration assembly

The McDonald County High School band, Color Gaurd, cheerleaders, and the sixth grade band came to Anderson Elementary today!  They played music, did some cheers, and spoke with the students about the importance of doing their best on the MAP test.

The reading team also put on a skit and shared tips with the students on how to do their best on the MAP test.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Newsletter 3/12/12 NO HOMEWORK

Missouri School Read-In Day

Governor Jay Nixon signed a bill into law in May 2011 that made March 9th Missouri School Read-In Day. The entire school spent 30 minutes Friday afternoon reading. Third grade students got to pick a spot in the hallway to read silently.